Declaring God's Plan of Redemption to a Lost and Hurting World
All of our choices in life, while being reversible, remediable, or neither, involve consequences. Not only is our choice about eternity both irreversible and irremediable, the consequences of an eternity without
God are dire. If we choose wrongly, then we will spend an eternity without God. The consequences are so great
we should not take chances of having the wrong "roadmap" to Heaven.
Fortunately, God does give us a "roadmap" to Heaven and it's 100% accurate. We can know with absolute
certainty that we'll get there. God doesn't want any of us to be "in the dark" about how to get to Heaven, so He gives us
the critical information we need to know about eternity in His Word, the Bible.
So...why is it necessary that God give us this information?